How To Craft & Activate Beacons in Minecraft

It’s been over ten years since beacons were introduced in Minecraft. Beacon is the rarest ultimate item that is responsible for major character upgrades. For a Minecraft player, creating beacons is the most challenging job in the game. Beacons can upgrade your mining, speed, and health stats, helping you in many different ways. It also emit a light beam into the sky that can be seen from a distance.

Crafting beacons is one of the hardest things in Minecraft, like defeating the Ender Dragon. If you’re a good Minecraft player, crafting beacons is the best way to prove it. This article explains How To Craft Beacons in Minecraft. 

How To Craft a Beacon

Making a beacon in Minecraft require lots of material including one rare item. To craft a beacon players need items such as glass, obsidian and Nether star. Gather all the materials from across the blocky world.


Glass can probably be found close to home. It is usually made with sand. You can find sand on any ocean beach, or in the desert. PUt sand in furnace with fuel to create glass.


Obsidian is formed when water and lava combine with each other. The best way to get obsidian is to mine.

Netherr Star

Nether Star is rare and difficult item to obtain in Miecraft. To get Nether star, players have to kill Wither in the game. Look at the tips for How To Kill Wither in Minecraft.

Once you acquire all the essential items to build a Beacon. It is an easy task, go to workbench and add all the ingredients as listed below

  • Place three pieces of glass to the top row.
  • And one glass, one Nether Star, and one glass to the middle row.
  • Now, Place three obsidian to the bottom row.

This will craft the beacon.

Activating Beacon in Minecraft

Only beacon by itself is useless, you have to activate it to unleash the true power. To activate beacon place it top of a pyramid either made from gold, iron, Netherite, emerald, or diamond. Use any of these four resources together to make pyramid.

Once you’ve built your pyramid position the beacon on top, in the center spot. Your beacon will activate immediately.

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