How To Kill Witches in Minecraft | Tips & Tricks

Mojang’s excellent creative exploration game Minecraft allows you to create your 3D universe using blocky elements in-game. However, the world of Minecraft is full of obstacles and difficulties — hostile Mobs are one of the reasons. Today, we’ll talk about How to kill one of the most popular mobs in Minecraft, Witches.

Witches in Minecraft are basically villagers struck by lightning that turned them into witches. They are one of the oldest mobs in Minecraft who uses potions to damage enemies and buff themselves.

In this article, we’ve mentioned a few tips to kill Witches in Minecraft.

1) Hit before Potion of healing works

The best easy way to defeat witches is to kill them before the potion of healing comes into effect.

To do so, tease witches by keeping a distance of 11 blocks. It will urge them to take Potion of Swiftness. Just when they drink a potion, run and hit. If they try to recover the damage by using a potion of healing. Make sure you attack continuously before they heal themselves.

2) Netherite Armor

Netherite armor is the best armor to use to kill witches in Minecraft. It provides good defense having high stats. You can make the best use of it with the help of proper enchantments. Iron armor enchanted with damage reduction is the next best choice.

3) Carry Food

Witches can do high damage using poison Potions. Hence, carry food with you in a fight. Food is the primary source of healing in Minecraft that can save you from the worst. Bring foods like cooked steak, cooked pork, golden apples, and golden carrots.

4) Ranged Weapons

Make sure you use enchanted ranged weapons in a fight. You obviously do not want witches to do you harm by throwing potions. Melee weapons are risky. Try to kill Witches with Crossbows, Bows, or enchanted Tridents as they can deal a massive amount of damage.

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